Sreenidhi HUB

Sreenidhi HUB Overview
Sreenidhi Hub is established as the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development centre at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology to nurture the creative spirit and enhance the leadership qualities of our students. The area dedicated to Sreenidhi-Hub is around 5000 Sq.ft which comprises of 10 cubicles as office space for business incubates, Tinkering, Sandbox lab Space, Technology Room, Director and Manager meeting room and training rooms for students. Advisory committee is formed comprising of eminent engineers from industry, scientists from research lab, Senior Bank Manager, Dean and Director from the host institute. The advisory committee is approved by Board of Governors of the institute. With the initiatives Sreenidhi-Hub is paying path to create successful entrepreneur with adequate support at the early stage of businesses to create immense value, and who provide constant access to high quality mentoring, vast networks and inputs on strategy as well as execution to our students.
Our Vision & Mission
Ecosystem to spur Idea to Prototype to Product and launch tech-startups to achieve success with global recognition.
Emilia Clarke
Enabling business incubation by
Creating a culture of innovation by encouraging ideation and IP development Providing entrepreneurship skill development by organizing professional programs and expert mentoring sessions Forging strategic alliance and planning network building activities to link start-up resources, Incubation centers, investors and promoters
Emilia Clarke
To be a continuous learning organization by developing strong liaison with Academia, R & D institutions and Industry for exposure in practical aspects of engineering and providing solutions to the industrial and societal problems for sustainable development.
Emilia Clarke
To inculcate team work, leadership, professional ethics, use of modern tools, IPR issues so that graduates are encouraged to obtain patents and respond to competitive global environment.
Emilia Clarke
To promote strong research culture in graduates for life long learning, to explore the frontiers of knowledge and present at technical fora/publish in Journals at national/international level

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SNIST HUB Activities

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Advisory Board



SNIST, Group

Mr.K.Abhijit Rao


Member BoG, Advisor Sreenidhi-Hub

Dr. Ameet Chavan

President SNIST IIC

Dean (Innovation & Research)

Shri.R. Bhubesh Kumar


Direcotor (Food Agri), RICH, GoT

Dr.G. VijayaKumari

President SNIST IIC

Dean (Innovation & Research)

Shri.R. Bhubesh Kumar


Direcotor (Food Agri), RICH, GoT

Dr. Shruthi Bhargava Chobey

IIC - ARIIA Coordinator

Professor - EEE Dept. SNIST

Dr.K. Harinadh

IIC Startup Coordinator

Professor - MBA Dept. SNIST

Dr.K. C Deekshit

JHUB-JLab Coordinator

Professor - EEE Dept. SNIST

Shri. R. Bhanu Prakash

Vice President SNIST IIC

Director(Graylogic Technologies)

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Entrepreneurship Facilities
Entrepreneurship Development Cell Facilities





LCD Projector


Interactive White Board


Seminar Hall/ Conference Room


Discussion Room


Incubation Space (Cubicles)

10 (5000Sq.ft)

Office Space

1500 Sq ft

Entrepreneurship Development Cell Committee Management

Dr.Ameet Chavan


Dr T Vijaya Saradhi


Dr Harinadh, MBA

Startup Activity Coordinator

Dr.Ameet Chavan

Internship Coordinator

Ms. Padmavathi, ECM

IPR Activity Coordinator

Dr V Sravana Kumar, IT

Social Media Coordinator

Dr Shruthi Bhargava, ECE

ARIIA Coordinator

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Student Innovation team

M M Sai Prakash

Sreenidhi HUB Co-Ordinator

Karra Saatwika

Innovation even Co-Ordinator

Y V S Aryan

Startup event Co-Ordinator

Bhavyasri Yellapragada

TIE Co-Ordinator

Rahul Rajula Naga

IPR Co-Ordinator

K Virinchi

Social Media Co-Ordinator-1

K Dheeraj Kumar

T-Hub Co-Ordinator

Kagitha Raja Prithvi

Internship Co-Ordinator

Somayajula Venkata Soumya

Social Media Co-Ordinator-2

Yashaswini Joshi

Hackathon event Co-Ordinator

Katakana Ashutosh

Hackathon event Co-Ordinator -2