SAE Club
SAE Club Overview
“SAEINDIA-SNIST” is one of the prestigious clubs in Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST), which was established by Mr. Revanth Metla and Mr. Vinod Khanna in the year 2009. ‘SAEINDIA-SNIST’ is also known by the name ‘THE MECHANIZERS AUTOCORP’.
The collegiate club was recognized by SAEINDIA in the year 2013. The main vision of our club is to share and integrate the knowledge of the automobile industry. ‘SAEINDIA-SNIST’ abides by the constitution drafted under the guidelines of college management at the time of its inception. As per the constitution, the club has its own governing body to steer the organization towards sustainable development and advancement of its standards.
The teams compete in various prestigious automotive competitions such as SAEBAJA, SAENIS-Efficycle challenge, Go-kart championships, Solar vehicle competitions, Quadbike, etc., with their team’s name as ‘MECHANIZERS’. As of the academic year 2024-25, fifty-one vehicles were designed and manufactured in the club. These vehicles include 11 BAJA (All-terrain vehicle), 9 Effi-cycles (Eco-friendly vehicle), 22 Go-karts, 8 Solar vehicles, and a Quadbike. Since the time of its inception, the club has achieved newer heights and continues to do the same throughout its never-ending journey.
The club functions under the mentorship of, Dr. P. Narsimha Reddy, Former Executive Director, T. CH. Shiva Reddy, Principal-SNIST, Dr. A. Purushotham, HoD of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. D. Kondayya, Senior faculty, Dr. V. Ravinder Reddy and Dr. A. Balaraju, faculty advisors, and Dr. Divya Naadem Club Coordinator.
To share and integrate knowledge on the automobile industry.
To share, explore, and nurture knowledge on automobiles by designing and manufacturing vehicles and participating in national and international automobile events.
List Of Events Participated
Formula kart design challenge (Mechanizers 49.0 & Mechanizers 50.0):
FKDC (Formula kart design challenge) is a go-kart competition organized by FMAE (Fraternity of mobility and automobile engineering) in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Teams Mechanizers 49.0 and Mechanizers 50.0 have participated in the event in combustion and electric category respectively.
BAJA SAEINDIA 2025 (Mechanizers 51.0)
BAJA SAEINDIA is an intercollegiate design competition run by the society of automotive engineers. It is considered to be the crown jewel of all automobile events in the country which is organized by SAEINDIA.
With high levels of confidence and spirit, Mechanizers 51.0 manufactured an all-terrain Baja vehicle and geared up for the final event hosted at NATRAX, Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh.
The team’s irreplaceable efforts gave a tough competition to the participants and these efforts resulted in remarkable achievements.
Validation Event – AIR 3 Overall Dynamics – AIR 5 Sales Event – AIR 4 Acceleration Event – AIR 15 Sled Pull – AIR 8
Maneuverability Event – AIR 10 Suspension and Traction – AIR 7 Durability Event – AIR 14
The team has marked its legacy with “OVERALL AIR 8TH RUNNER UP” position. Last but not least, Mechanizers 51.0 stood 1st in entire Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
The club constitutes engineering students from diverse branches.
Notable Achievements
From MECHANIZERS 1.0 to MECHANIZERS 31.0, we have set remarkable records all across the country.
18th position in BAJA 2017
Efficycle 2015
Vishnu Karting Championship 2016-17
Sieger Pro Karting Championship 2017
IPEC 2018
SAENIS Effi-Cycle 2018
Pro-Karting Championship 2019
AIRC 2019
Board Members 2024-25