


The B.Tech. Degree Courses offered in 4 academic years is as follows :
I, II, III & IV years - Semester pattern with 2 semesters each

I, II, III & IV Years - 180 days with 2 semesters of 90 days each
  1. A student is eligible to write the end semester examination only if the student acquires a minimum of 75% of average attendance in all subjects registered by him.
  2. Condonation of shortage of attendance up to 10% (65% and above and below 75%) may be granted by the College Academic Committee on medical grounds.
  3. Shortage of Attendance below 65% in cumulative attendance of all the  subjects shall not be condoned and he/she cannot register for examination.
  4. Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned are not eligible to write their end semester examination.
  5. Fee for Condonation of attendance shall be payable for shortage of attendance is Rs.500/- or as decided by the Finance Committee from time to time.
  6. A student can register for a minimum of 20 credits and maximum of 28 credits in any semester.
  7. If any candidate fulfills the attendance requirement in a particular semester he/she shall not be eligible for re-registration of that particular semester, in future.
  1. A Student is deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements if he/she has earned the credits allotted to each theory/practical/design/drawing/subject/project and secures not less than 35% of marks in the end semester exam and minimum 40% of Marks in the sum total of the mid sessional marks and end semester exams taken together.
  2. A student shall be promoted from First Year to Second Year only if he/she fulfills the Academic Requirements of 50% of the credits i.e.,    24 Credits out of 48 Credits of First Year from all the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in First Year requirement.
  3. A student will be promoted from II Year to III Year only if he/she fulfills the Academic Requirements of 60% of the Credits i.e., 43 Credits out of 72 Credits upto II Year – I Semester or 57 credits out of 96 credits upto II Year II Semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in II Year – II Semester.
  4. A student shall be promoted from III Year to IV Year only if he/she fulfills the Academic Requirements of 72 Credits out of 120 Credits upto III Year – I Semester or 86 credits out of 144 credits upto III Year II Semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in III Year – II Semester.
  5.  A student shall register and put up minimum Attendance in all 192 credits and earn 192 credits. Marks obtained in the best of 184 credits shall be considered for the calculation of percentage of marks (CGPA) and award of division.
  6. A Students who fail to earn 192 credits as indicated in the course structure within ten Academic Years (8 Years of study +2 Years additionally for appearing for exams only) from the year of their admission and does not get CGPA of 5, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech Course and their admission stands cancelled.  The student will be awarded degree at the end of four years even though a student completes all the requirements in 3 ½ Years.
  1. The entire course of study is of four Academic years with semester pattern.
  2. A student eligible to appear for the end semester examination, but absent in a subject/subjects or has failed in the end semester examination may appear for that subject/subjects in three consecutive supplementary examinations.
  3. When a student is detained due to lack of shortage attendance, he/she may be readmitted in the concerned semester. However, the Academic Regulations applicable are those that existed when he/she was first admitted. 
  1. Hardcore of one department can be considered to be a soft core for another department.
  2. The percentage of total credits that can be taken by a student in a semester be limited to 28. However, the number of credits for which a student has to register in a semester, shall not be less than 20 credits.
  3. The student can complete the program in 3 ½ years but original degree will be issued along with his / her batchmates after 4 years. The students shall complete the program within 8 years with 2 years of permission to appear for exams totaling to 10 years.
  4. Attendance requirement be based on cumulative attendance of the subjects the candidate registered in a semester.
  5. Audit and mandatory courses will be offered with 0 credits for the benefit of students.
  6. If a student does not get SGPA>=5, and CGPA >=5, he/she shall not be awarded the degree and the student can drop one or two subjects and improve the credits.
  7. The number of credits for theory courses will be equal to the number of hours of instruction per week. The number of credits for a practical / drawing, project will be equal to half the number of hours. Tutorial will not be taken in to consideration for a credit.