R & D Overview

Prof. C. V. Tomy
Director SNIST
Research & Development Department overview

SNIST believes that Strong Academics, Industry relevant training, Emerging technology knowledge through R&D, and a professional mindset with a human approach are the essential attributes that determine the success of technical education. SNIST Research efforts are towards productive collaboration with leading Research Institutes, both nationally and globally, to invent and provide solutions to technological and societal problems. A separate department is established for Research and consultancy in the Institute with a full-time Director and Dean.


UG Programs and PG Programs

The website provides a detailed overview of the Research activities undertaken and contributions made by faculty in each department. Faculty members with Ph.D. and pursuing Ph.D. are required to conduct Academic research as an integral part of their responsibility to generate and assimilate new knowledge which gets imbibed in their teaching and student projects. Sponsored Research and Industrial consultancy are the two important modes through which faculty are supporting their research and contributing to the need of the industry and society. SNIST management is highly cooperative in supporting and promoting in-house Academic Research activities. The institute provides funding for establishing and augmenting state-of-the-art Infrastructure and Labs. At SNIST, the faculty members are encouraged to publish their research work in reputed and referred journals and present them at International and national conferences by reimbursing registration fees, after review by the Institute Research committee. Faculty members pursuing Ph.D. are sanctioned special leaves to accelerate the research and further motivate by offering fee reimbursements as per the guidelines set by the research panel. Faculty members and students are encouraged to file patents if the proposed idea has commercial viability. SNIST management also works with reputed industries to forge alliances to offer consultancy and advanced training programs in emerging fields which necessitate the faculty to take up advanced research problems.

Research & Development Department
Number of Grants in Aid projects are sanctioned by

Recognised by DSIR, Govt. of India as Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) – 2009 to till date.

Research & Development Policies

Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management related to research promotion policy adoption

URL of Policy document on promotion of research uploaded on website

Approval to revise the faculty incentive for Consultancy from 60:40 to 70:30

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Institution Provides Seed Money to its Teachers for research

Research & Development Publications


Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 00

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 01

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Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 78

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 03

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Science and Humanities

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 134

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 08

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Electronics and Communication Engineering

Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 276

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 51

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Electronics and Computer Engineering

Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 68

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 09

Information Technology

Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 196

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 18

Computer Science Engineering

Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 220

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 36

Mechanical Engineering

Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 110

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 26

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Bio Technology

Total number of Research Publications (Journals): 36

Total number of Books/Book Chapters/Conferences: 12