Pre-Placement Training Programme

Training Concepts

Communication Skills, Confidence Building, E-mail Etiquette, 

Self Introduction, Group Discussion and Interview Skills.

Number of days

25,26,27 Feb, 2022

Number of participants



Ms. Seeja NP,Ms. Ashley Shams, Ms. Sruthi Mohan



Day-wise detailed Report
Session – 1
Day 1, 25th Feb 2022, 2.00 pm-2.40 pm
The first session was an insightful and informative one. Students recognized the significance of body language, voice and gestures on par with language. The session was worth-emulating for its style of presentation by making it interactive.


Ms. NP Seeja


Communication Skills

Session – 2
25th Feb 2022, 2.50 pm-4.00 pm
In order to give individual attention, the students were bifurcated into three groups. Students introduced themselves initially. Later the etiquette to be maintained in a selfintroduction was discussed by the trainers. Another chance was given to them to modify their presentation. Individual feedback was given to every student. Trainers could recognize the improvement in their performance.


Ms. NP Seeja, Ms. Ashly Shams, Ms. Sruthi Mohan​


Communication Skills

Session – 3
Day 2, 26th Feb 2022, 10.00 am-11.00 am
In this session, the speaker gave a presentation on Email etiquette. Later the students had a practice session on composing emails in different contexts like, application of jobs, acceptance and refusal of job offers etc. The session was highly effective in clarifying the doubts raised by the students. Sample drafts by the students were discussed during the session.


Ms. Ashly Shams E


Email Etiquette

Session – 4
Day 2, 26th Feb 2022, 11.10 am-12.00 am
This session was quite informative and was rich with detailed discussion on the evaluation criteria during a Group Discussion(GD). The session also shed light on various personality traits that are tested in a GD and dos and don’ts in a GD. The inputs were greatly valued by the students and the seriousness with which they participated in the ensuing practice sessions, reflected the same.


Ms. Sruthi Mohan


Group Discussion

Session – 5
Day 2, 26th Feb 2022, 12.00 pm-01.00 pm
The trainers segregated the participants into three groups. Topics were given for discussion followed by preparation time. Feedback was given at the end of each discussion so that the participants could ensure improvement in the next round.


Ms. NP Seeja , Ms. Sruthi Mohan, Ms. Ashly Shams​


Group Discussion Practice

Session – 6
Day 3, 27th Feb 2022, 11.00 am-12.00 pm
The trainer introduced tips to crack interviews by suggesting practical measures. Some real life instances were shared to make the students decipher the idea better. Care was taken to address students’ insecurities pertaining to the etiquette to be evinced during an interview.


Ms. NP Seeja


Interview Skills

Session – 7
Day 3, 27th Feb 2022, 12.10 pm-01.00 pm
The best part of this session was, students who formed the panel realized the requirements of the right candidate. When the tables turned, they could identify with the employer’s perspective, who is in pursuit of the best candidate. The panel members shared their feedback on every candidate. The panel was changed after a few candidates were interviewed. The trainers also added their viewpoints. This mock interview session was highly effective as the participants had a hands-on experience of an HR interview.


Mock Interview

Overall, the three-day training sessions were quite impactful. Feedback forms were shared with the students and their responses were recorded. Their feedback has given further impetus to CWC to conduct such training programs in future for the benefit of the students. CWC has also come up with some initiatives to help the students in upskilling themselves.
A WhatsApp group is created with the students and the trainers of CWC so that the trainers can share useful material and links to some valuable resources with the students.
A new Gmail id is created so that students can share their resumes, sample mails for different situations so that the CWC trainers can give them customized feedback.
For most students who asked for extra practice sessions on interviews, CWC has decided to conduct mock interviews during their free slots from the month of April, after the students complete their MID and semester III exams.