Effective Communication Skills in English

Concepts dealt with
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology conducted a five-day workshop on “Effective Communication Skills in English” to enhance the communication skills of the students and also hone their personality. This workshop was sponsored by AICTE, under the “Skills and Personality Development” Program”. There were around 150 students who attended the program and benefited from it. The workshop started on 22 April 2022. The inaugural session had the keynote address by the Director, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Prof. C.V. Tomy, and the Principal, Prof. T. Ch. Siva Reddy, who is also the Chief coordinator of the program. They both spoke on the importance of such sessions in today’s scenario. They oriented the students on the increasing importance of enhancing their communication skills to have a prosperous career.

Nubmer of days

April 22-27, 2022

Number of participants



Ms. Seeja NP, Ms. Ashley Shams​, Ms. Sruthi Mohan​


8205, 8203, 8001

Day-wise detailed Report
Session – 1
Day 1: 22-04-2022 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
The speaker threw light on the various aspects of Communication, the Visual, The Vocal and the Verbal. She also set the expectations of the workshop. It was an interactive session, infused by some activities to increase participative learning. The session was well-received and students also shared their expectations from the workshop. The session was followed by Tea and snacks for the participants.


Ms. Seeja NP


Communication Skills

Session – 2
1:30 pm to 2:40 pm
The speaker enlightened the students on the strategies to upskill themselves with regard to their English language proficiency. An elaborate discussion was held on the various available resources both offline and online, that the students can make use of, to upskill themselves.


Ms. Seeja NP

Session – 3
25-04-2022 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
For this session, the students were divided into three groups and separate training sessions were conducted. They were trained on how to strike conversations and later they participated in conversations in different scenarios. This gave them a hands-on experience of engaging in conversations and also participating on stage. It was a new learning experience for many participants.


Ms. Seeja NP, Ms. Ashley Shams​, Ms. Sruthi Mohan​


How to strike a winning conversation

Session – 4
26-04-2022 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
This was a very lively session where students were engaged in correcting the common errors that they make while writing letters. The session laid special focus on the formal language that is used in official letters, alongside discussing the usage and grammatical aspects.


Ms. Ashly Shams


The Art of Letter Writing

Session – 5
27-04-2022 1:30 pm to 4 00 pm
The trainers segregated the participants into three groups. Topics were given for discussion followed by preparation time. Feedback was given at the end of each discussion so that the participants could ensure improvement in the next round.


Ms. Sruthi Mohan


Master the Basics of Grammar

4:00 pm to 4:20 pm
During the valedictory session, the Director Prof. Tomy, and the Principal Prof. Siva Reddy spoke to the students and took their feedback, both written and oral. Students expressed their happiness being a part of such a workshop. They also asked for many more such sessions so that they could consistently work on their language. The workshop was overall a great success and students took back with them great learning experience in addition to some valuable resources in the form of handouts. The CWC team also decided to create a WhatsApp group with the students so that the learning process continues through this social medium