CEO'S Message

CEO'S Message

At Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, we have always endeavored for excellence, aiming to equip the engineers of tomorrow with the skills and exposure to be at the forefront of their field. Technology is driving change around us at a breakneck speed. The 21st century will be remembered for its advancements in technology. And at the forefront of these innovations are engineers.
These transformations will have a profound impact on the way we live, work and learn. Technological innovations help bridge gaps and create an impact. However, these transformations are not always smooth and predictable.
We at SNIST, strive to provide a holistic education to our students, to ensure they are all well-equipped to meet these myriad challenges. An equal focus is levied on the development of technical and non-technical skills to best equip our students for life after graduation. We harbor the vision of using advancements in technology, to make the world a better place. We imbibe within Sreenidhians the same vision and the habit of life-long learning.
I am proud of the institute’s direction. The faculty members uphold the highest standards of academic excellence, our staff is highly dedicated and committed, and we have enriched the students’ experience at SNIST year-on-year and will continue to do so in the coming years.

Thank you,
Mr. Abhijit Rao Katikaneni

Mr. Abhijit Rao Katikaneni