Academic Leadership > Executive Director

Dr. Poreddy Narasimha Reddy

Executive Director

The most important part of learning is to assimilate the knowledge effectively and then to put it to right application 



Sreenidhi attained the status of a Deemed University in 2020 and has become a dream destination for higher education for many students all over India. The real strength of Sreenidhi is its faculty. All our professors are distinguished teachers with extensive industry exposure and researchers with Ph.D. degrees. They have always been the pillars of support for the growth and success of the institution.

Teaching at Sreenidhi Educational Group

Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology The Teaching – Learning Process at Sreenidhi is highly effective and unparalleled, intended to bridge the gap between theory, industry application and research. We maintain a healthy industry-institute collaboration by way of practice-oriented final year projects, internships, industrial visits, industrial training to staff and students, guest lectures by industry professionals and MOUs with industries for mutual benefit and long-term strategic connect.

Programmes at Sreenidhi Educational Group

Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology -The institution offers a variety of programmes to students at different stages of their learning journey focusing on improving their personal and professional skills and promoting their overall welfare. For instance, orientation programme for freshers, workshops for awareness on current trends, reimbursement of IEEE membership fee for toppers of all sections, organizing ISTE activities for team building, soft-skills training, organizing national / regional seminars and paper contests, conducting merit awards competitions for final year students and providing guidance for clearing TOEFL & GRE examinations are some of the notable initiatives by the institution.

Novel Best Teacher Award Scheme

In order to recognize and encourage teachers for excellence in teaching effectiveness, the institution runs a Novel Best Teacher Award Scheme every year to teachers who cross certain threshold levels in their performance.

Educational Qualifications

Nagarjuna University
Nagarjuna University

B. Tech. degree in Mechanical Engineering


M. Tech. degree in Thermal Engineering

Osmania University Hyderabad
Osmania University Hyderabad

Ph.D. degree in Thermal Turbo Machinery

Teaching Subjects

KITS Ramtek
KITS Ramtek

Assistant Professor
4 Years

Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology

Professor, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department and Principal

Educational Qualifications

Heat transfer




Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machinery

R & AC

Power Plant Engineering

Advanced IC Engines

Renewable Energy sources

Jet propulsion and Rocket Engineering

Awards & Achievements

Recipient of Best Paper Award in the subject category of Thermal Engineering at the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 13-14 May, 2005 organised by Vasavi College of Engg., Hyderabad

Recipient of Best paper Award from won by the Coordinator Industry-academic institution collaborative research presented at the 2nd International Conference of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power held at IIT-Roorkee during Dec 12-14’ 2002.

Qualified in GATE’91 with 90.8 percentile and received scholarship during study of M.Tech

Recipient of Best Teacher award for Six Consecutive times from the present institute

Ratified as Professor by JNTUH & OU
(Vasavi college of Engineering)

Recipient of Best Teacher award for Six Consecutive times from the present institute


Over 45 papers have been published in International, national journals & Conferences

Integer ac interdum lacus Nunc porta semper lacus a varius Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.