ME Student Development Programs

Bridge Courses

3D printing of metal alloys

Industry Collaboration

DRDO, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (07 Feb 2020)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Dr. Jagan Reddy G, Scientist ā€˜Gā€™, DRML-DRDO, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year II Sem


Industry Collaboration

Petrofac International Limited, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (15 Feb 2020)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Prof. Varuna Reddy P, Technical Advisor, Petrofac International Limited, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year II Sem

Mechanical Engineering and Process Plant Detailing

Industry Collaboration

IICT, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (06 Mar 2020)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Prof. Dr. H S Simha, Principal Scientist, Dept. of Mechanical Design and Engineering, IICT, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year II Sem

Nuclear Energy and Indian perspective

Industry Collaboration

Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad.

Duration of Course

1 Day (15 Sep 2020)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Dr. D S Setty, deputy chief executive, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year I Sem

Applications of CAD

Industry Collaboration

PCADCAM Customization, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (15 Feb 2020)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Harsha, PCADCAM Customization, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year II Sem

Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behavior Development

Industry Collaboration

The Entrepreneur Zone, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (13 Nov 2021)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Dr. Nandita Sethi, Founder and Managing Director, The Entrepreneur Zone, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year I Sem

Sustainable Manufacturing

Industry Collaboration

University of Northern Iowa, USA.

Duration of Course

1 Day (05 Sep 2018)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Prof. PN Rao, Department of Industrial Technology, University of Northern Iowa, USA.

Year & Semester

III Year I Sem

Make your own 3D Printer (Handson Workshop)

Industry Collaboration

Design Labs, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (06 Jun 2020)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Bhaskar Rao Vadali, Design Labs, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year II Sem

Autodesk-Fusion 360 (Handson)

Industry Collaboration

Quaint TechSoft, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

18 Day (22 Nov to 11 Dec 2021)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Quaint TechSoft, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year I Sem

Design for Manufacturing (Handson)

Industry Collaboration

Design Labs, Hyderabad

Duration of Course

1 Day (03 May 2021)

Number of Students Attended


Resource Person

Yashwanth Chandupatla, Design Labs, Hyderabad.

Year & Semester

III Year I Sem