Mechanical Engineering Laboratories

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab


  • The laboratories cater to the needs of mechanical students in the subject of fluid mechanics and fluid machines.
  • It strengthens and broadens the students’ knowledge of incompressible fluid mechanics.
  • The laboratory is equipped with large number of equipments and experimental set ups to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of fluid mechanics and fluid machines.
  • The setup comprise a verity of devices like venturimeter, orificemeter, rotameter, notches, technique for the estimation of minor and major losses in the pipes, verification of Bernoullie’s Theorem, impact of jet on vane, hydraulic ram, Pelton Turbine, Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine, Centrifugal Pump, Reciprocating Pump and Gear Oil Pump etc.

Lab Details

Lab Name

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab

Room No

Area in Sqmt

