Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Electrical and Electronics Engineering
To emerge as a premier centre in Electronics and Computer engineering with focus on human values and professional ethics
Total Student Intake
0 %
Placement Percentage
M.Tech Intake


Our Vision & Mission
To emerge as a leading Department in Technical Education and Research with focus to produce professionally competent and socially sensitive engineers capable of working in multidisciplinary global environment.


Programme Description
  • Preparation: To prepare students to excel in postgraduate programmes or to succeed in electrical industry/technical profession through global, rigorous education. 
  • Core Competence: To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required to solve engineering problems and also to pursue higher studies. 
  • Breadth: To train students with good scientific and engineering breadth so as to comprehend, analyze, design, and create novel products and solutions for the real life problems. 
  • Professionalism: To inculcate in students’ professional and ethical attitude, effective communication skills, team work skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context. 
  • Learning Environment: To provide student with an academic environment aware of excellence, leadership, written ethical codes and guidelines, and the life-long learning needed for a successful professional career.
  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of differential equations, vector calculus, complex variables, matrix theory, probability theory, physics, chemistry and    electrical and electronics engineering.
  • Graduates will demonstrate an ability to identify, formulate and solve electrical  engineering problems.
  • Graduate will demonstrate an ability to design electrical and electronic circuits and conduct experiments with electrical systems, analyze and interpret data.
  • Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design digital and analog systems and component.
  • Graduates will demonstrate an ability to visualize and work on laboratory and multidisciplinary tasks.
  • Graduate will demonstrate skills to use modern engineering tools, software and equipment to analyze problems.
  • Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • Graduate will be able to communicate effectively in both verbal and written form.
  • Graduate will show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions on the society and also will be aware of contemporary issues.
  • Graduate will develop confidence for self education and ability for life-long learning.
  • Graduate who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, GRE.
  • To empower the students by providing necessary knowledge, critical thinking and problem solving capabilities in the field of Electrical Power Engineering so that they can excel in theirprofession, in industry, higher studies and Research & Development.
  • To develop competencies in student community of Electrical Power Engineering and allied fields,so as to conduct experiments, comprehend, analyze, design and apply appropriate techniques tools to provide optimal solutions for real time challenges.
  • To inculcate the sense of responsibility towards ethics, Intellectual Property rights, good communication skills and entrepreneurship with adequate knowledge of project / finance management skills for betterment of society at large.
  • To motivate the students not only to be academically excellent but also to be sensitive toProfessional ethics, to acquire leadership skills and to be life-long learners for a successful professional career.
  • Postgraduates will demonstrate their abilities to acquire knowledge and state of the art knowledgeand to expand the frontiers in the field of Electrical Power Engineering.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate their abilities to analyze and evaluate complex engineering problems to make intellectual to create advances in the field of Electrical Power Engineering.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate their abilities of problem solving skills to find optimal solution in the areas of Electrical Power Engineering including considerations of public health and safety, cultural,societal and environmental factors.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate ability to carry out literature survey, design and conduct experiments and analyze results using appropriate research methodologies. They should also demonstrate to contribute scientific / technical knowledge in their domain areas either individually or in groups.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate ability to develop appropriate techniques and tools for prediction and modelling of various engineering systems.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate ability to collaborate and engage in multidisciplinary group tasks in scientific research.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate ability manage projects efficiently including consideration of economical and financial factors.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate abilities in both oral and written technical communications.
  • Postgraduate will demonstrate ability to learn latest developments independent and continuously in his field.
  • Postgraduate shall acquire professional ethics and intellectual integrity in the consideration of impact of research outcomes for sustainable development of society.
  • Postgraduate shall learn from mistakes and make corrective measures on their own.


Programme Syllabus


Course Structure & Syllabus Regulation


Course Structure & Syllabus Regulation


Course Structure & Syllabus Regulation


Department Faculty

Dr. Chitumodhu. Bhargava

Associate Professor & HOD

Have over ten years experience in teaching and industry. Have over nine years experience as the respective associative professor in Sreenidhi Institute of science &Technology, Hyderabad. Responsibilities include academic advising of students, participation in university committees and activities, and supervision of undergraduate and post graduate research projects and teaching assistants. Responsible for planning lecture and lab, including syllabus preparation, test construction grade assessment, lab preparation, and lab supervision.

The department has grown to almost 62 faculty members, 15 faculty are holding Ph D, who provide leadership and expertise in several areas of computer science and engineering. Equally the faculty are encouraged to participate in the faculty development programmes conducted in the other premiere institutes to enhance their knowledge and technical skills. I am extremely happy to mention that the faculty and students of ECM department are involved in the innovation and research.



Electrical machines-I Lab

Electrical machines-II Lab

Power Electronics Lab

Department Infrastructure
The single largest department in the entire Institute, Computer Science and Engineering is now home to several eminent and new faculty members, having rich experience in academics, industry and R&D.

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Department Activities
Every year we introduce new courses in our curriculum based on industry research and student feedback
We conduct student development programs through bridge courses from industry experts and companies.
We organise industrial visits to our students and faculty to view real time industries and their operations.

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We have professional chapters and clubs for students to engage and participate in co-curricular activities.
We have signed MOU with reputed organisations to provide training and practical expertise to our students.

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