Innovation Cell Overview

Innovation Cell Overview
shruthi bhargav
Dr. Shruti Bhargava
Dean Innovation

Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST) has been promoting creativity and innovation among its students and faculty. SNIST’s Entrepreneurship Development Committee and the Institute Innovation Council members are continuously engaged in the generation and distribution of information, just as students are finding ways to launch business ideas to influence society and solve problems in the real world. The expert committee has identified many cutting-edge technologies to support and translate the ideas of faculty members and students into commercial products. Through this policy, SNIST commits to supporting interested faculty members and students in their startup journey. Facilitate training in the development of various technology-based innovative products that not only solve societal problems but meet global standards. Further, through this policy provisions are made for faculty and students to provide an effective launchpad where they can focus on development & growth to achieve success. Through its incubation facility, a startup can benefit from acquiring necessary business skills, mentorship by experts, relevant industry networks, and funding through SNIST associations.

Incubation & Innovation Policy 2020-21

Telangana Innovation Policy

National Innovation & Startup Policy

Our Vision & Mission

To emerge as a renowned ecosystem that develops indigenous technologies by nurturing ideas from a prototype to a finished product with a focus to nurture and launch a tech-startups to achieve global success.

Emilia Clarke
Creating a culture of innovation by encouraging ideation and Intellectual Property (IP) development. Providing entrepreneurship and skill development by organizing professional programs and expert mentoring sessions. Forging strategic alliances and planning network building activities.
Emilia Clarke
To be a continuous learning organization by developing strong liaison with academia, R & D institutions, and the industry for exposure to practical aspects of engineering and providing solutions to the industrial and societal problems for sustainable development.
Emilia Clarke
To inculcate the qualities of team work, leadership, professional ethics, use of modern tools, and IPR issues so that the graduates are encouraged to obtain patents and respond to the competitive global environment.
Emilia Clarke
Continuously engage students in sustainable design thinking for societal development and benefit.
Innovation & Incubation Cell Activities
Innovation and Incubation Policy Committee

Mr. Abhijit Rao K

Chairman & CEO

SNIST-IIPC, Member Board of Governors

Dr. T. Ch. Siva Reddy


SNIST-IIPC, Member Board of Governors

Dr. Ameet Chavan

Dean (R&D)

Convener SNIST-IIPC, President Innovation Council

Mr. Bhaskar Gandhavadi


Training & Content Portfolio at ServiceNow

Dr. Vijayakumari G

Director JHUB

Professor CSE Dept. JNTUH

Mr. Bhubesh Kumar

Director (Agri-Food)

Research & Innovation Centre of Hyderabad (RICH)

Prof. G. S. Prasad

Director Director

RITE/TIE-U University of Hyderabad

Mr. Pranav Hebbar


Make Room India

Mr. Bhanu Prakash Varla

Chairman TiE

Director, Cofounder Gray Logic Technologies

Dr. Suryamani Tripathi

Legal Counsel

Legal Counsel

Shri. Pankaj Diwan

Founder and CEO


Dr. Shruthi Bhargava


ECE Department

Dr. B. Madhura


MBA Department

Dr. K. Deekshith


EEE Department

Mrs. Divya Naadem


IT Department