Industry Institute Interaction

Industry Institute Interaction - Committee

Industry Institute Interaction – The Institute encourages its faculty, scientists, technicians, and students to interact with industry in all ways possible with the spirit of deriving mutual benefit.

Industry Institute- Committee
Major modes of Interaction


Professional consultancy by the faculty to industries.


Industrial testing by faculty & technicians at site or in laboratory.


Joint research programs and field studies by faculty and people from industries.


Visits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.


MoU between the institute and industries brings the two sides emotionally and strategically together.


B. Tech. and M. Tech. projects/dissertation work in industries under the guidance of industry experts.


Human resource development programs by the faculty for practicing engineers.


Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development.


Visits of industry executives and practicing engineers to the institute for seeing research work and laboratories, delivering lectures on industrial practices, trends and experiences.


Workshops, conferences, and symposia with joint participation of the faculty and the industries.

Our Co-Ordinators

Mr. Ramakrishna

Mr. Raghvendra

One representative senior teacher from each department

Committee Activities

These are some of the key activities of the Industry Institute Committee.

Interaction between the industry and the institution

New Curriculum

Identification of New Bridge courses

Improvement in the quality of
student project works

Industrial visits for the
students and staff

Industrial training
for students

Industrial training
for staff

Final year projects in
the industry

Organizing special lectures by industry experts

Participation in professional organizations

Promoting R & D
consultancy projects

Facilitating faculty's higher studies with industry collaborations

Interaction Activity

Representatives from the following organizations attended the industry institution interaction meet conducted to identify bridge courses for the final year students to enhance their employability. 

Special and Innovative Industry Institutional Interaction Activity

Wipro Technologies

Satyam Computers Ltd.

Tata Consultancy Services Limited

CMC Ltd.

Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited

Vannenburg Solutions Limited

Summer Training

The SNIST organizes industrial training for all the third year students for about 2 to 4 weeks during summer vacations in various industrial and research establishments listed below:

HMT Ltd.

Midhani Ltd.

Lokesh Machine Tools Ltd.

MMT Ltd.

Veljan Hydrair Ltd.

Precision Electronics Ltd.

Renewable Energy Systems Ltd.

Saradhi Industries, Hyderabad.

Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation, Hyderabad.

Expert Lectures

Guest Lectures are organized regularly for the benefit of the students and staff by inviting experts from reputed research organizations and industries in order to provide information on the state-of-the-art technologies under various branches of engineering.

Industry-Oriented Student Projects

Every year the institute has been conducting meetings with external project guides and taking their suggestions for the improvement of final year projects. A number of valuable recommendations arrived at are being implemented for the student of subsequent batches.